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KSA Machinery is an enterprise dedicated to the research and development of laser cutting equipment. KSA Laser is a listed joint venture of Bystronic Group (Switzerland), a leading global provider of sheet metal processing solutions and KSA Laser. Bystronic was founded in 1964 and began focusing on laser cutting technology in 1981. Shenzhen KSA laser was established in 2008 in order to devote resources full-time to the design of innovative laser cutting techniques and machinery. KSA lasers are used in the fabrication of a wide range of sheet metal products and they are suitable for cutting stainless steel, galvanized sheet, brass sheet, and many other materials. These lasers are developed for high speed and precision cutting with efficiency that matches.

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Materials 3000W 4000W 6000W 8000W 10000W 12000W
Stainless steel 12mm 14mm 20mm 22mm 25mm 30mm
Carbon steel 20mm 22mm 24mm 30mm 40mm 28mm
Brass 10mm 12mm 14mm 16mm 20mm 20mm
Galvanized sheet 5mm 6mm 6mm 8mm 8mm 10mm
Aluminum 10mm 12mm 14mm 17mm 20mm 20mm